Art Collecting
Figurative Paintings
These works elevate the art of watercolor to an authorial level. They tell the story of people working a street business and other figures in action. These large paintings travel the word, gaining prizes and recognitions at the most prestigious societies and exhibitions. Sought after Collectors acquire them for their storytelling and exquisite beauty as well as to add Fontana's distinguish signature to their collection. Please pick the title(s) you're interested in at this web gallery then inquirey via email at info@francescofontana.com
Portraiture & Commissions
People are often shy about asking an artist to paint the portrait of a beloved person or place. For Fontana it's actually an exciting challenge to connect with an unknown subject and celebrate its story. Through the loving words of his customer, this stranger becomes family, and the artist invests his best talent to honor them. Fontana consider's only two or three commissions a year. Email for details info@francescofontana.com
Plein Air & Small Works
These paintings are the quickest way to acquire Fontana's unique art, via a few clicks on this website. They are mostly landscapes and cityscapes painted outdoor at the amazing variey of locations he visited around the world. This inventory also includes face studies, field drawings and demos. Currently a huge studio clearance makes these gems start at $300 (up 70% off) plus free shipping. This offer is private and limited. Visit Fontana's Free Membership Art Store
Gallery in Palermo
If you happen to be in Palermo, Sicily do not miss a visit to Galleria Caravello, in the very city center. Alessandro Caravello is the third generation in a family business founded over 100 years ago. A selection of watercolors and large oils by Fontana, are available for your collection. Go get free framing or free shipping up to 5% off Fontana's gallery price, just by showing this web page! Location: Via Enrico Parisi 38, Palermo, Italy - Phone +39 392 162 1492 email: galleriacaravello@yahoo.it